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Loan Scammer – Susanne Credit Ltd

Loan Scam Alert

Loan Scam –

The below loan scam email was sent to an email address that exists only to catch scam emails. It has never been used to register on any site, only to communicate with scammers.

Email headers

To: Recipients <abc>
From: Annabella Beus <abc> 

Email body


My name is Annabella Beus, I come from Leuven, Belgium.
I am here as the happiest woman in the whole world because my financial struggle has been resolved by this God-sent lender. I am determined to make this reputable loan company known to every loan seeker out there because of how seamless and satisfying their lending service was. I will and must be his name to the whole world. I’m so happy to say
that my family and I are financially stable again because of the loan I got from SUSANNE CREDIT LTD which was the sum of 140,000 euros . I am a widow with children who depend on me only since their father is no more .
I was financially unable to provide for my kids as there was no one to run to for assistance . After several failed attempts to get a loan from the Bank and other private lenders because of bad credit history ,I came across this lender on a forum with so many good reviews from people who already got a loan from the company . Trust me , there are very many good testimonies about their lending service .At that point I was convinced they are the lender I have been looking for. I contacted them at once , Their Loan Processing Team was so professional and helpful, Most especially their head of operations( Kathleen Roose ), she in particular mostly handled my loan process . With no delays I was approved for the loan and I received my loan amount of 140,000 on my bank account July 2, 2023.I really appreciate the good work of this reputable loan company which is why I am recommending them for your loan needs. Here is their official email :

Contact them today for any kind of loan and let them know I referred you
Thank you
Annabella Beus

Why is this a loan scam?

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