Email German Loan Scams

Loan Scammer – grouponfunding

LOAN SCAM ALERT! This post gives information on the email address, which is being used by Advance Fee Fraud loan scammers.

Loan Scam –

The below loan scam email was sent to an email address that exists only to catch scam emails. It has never been used to register on any site, only to communicate with scammers.

Email headers

From: Ivonei Carlos Dos Santos <>

Email body

Groupon Funding bietet derzeit finanzielle Unterstützung für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen an. Sind Sie in einer finanziellen Krise oder benötigen Sie Geld, um Ihr eigenes Unternehmen zu gründen? Benötigen Sie Geld, um Ihre Schulden zu begleichen oder Ihre Rechnungen zu bezahlen oder ein gutes Geschäft zu beginnen? Haben Sie ein niedriges Kredit-Score und Sie finden es schwierig, Kapital-Darlehen von lokalen Banken und anderen Finanzinstituten zu erhalten? Hier ist Ihre Chance, einen Kredit zu bekommen. Kontaktieren Sie Groupon Finanzierung per E-Mail:

Translation to English

Groupon funding currently provides financial support for businesses and individuals. Are you in a financial crisis or you need money to start your own business? You need money to settle your debts or pay your bills or start a good business? If you have a low credit score and you find it difficult to obtain capital loan from local banks and other financial institutions? Here’s your chance to get a loan. Contact Groupon financing by e-mail:

Why is this a loan scam?

  1. It was sent from a totally different email address to the one that you are asked to reply to.
  2. The email address used is a free Gmail address.
  3. The email was mass-mailed to many recipients using BCC.
  4. The email gives no indication of who is offering the loan, where they are based or who they are regulated by.

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