Loan Scam –
The below loan scam email was sent to an email address that exists only to catch scam emails. It has never been used to register on any site, only to communicate with scammers.
Email headers
Subject: získajte teraz investicné pôžicku. To: Recipients <> From: "!" <> Reply-To:
Email body
dobrý den,
Som Laura Herbert, požiciavam si pôžicku. Ak má vaše podnikanie v tomto case pandémie financný problém, už sa nemusíte bát. sme pripravení ponúknut akéhokolvek financného asistenta, ktorého budete potrebovat. máme nízku úrokovú sadzbu 2% a rozsah úveru od 20000,00 EUR do požadovanej výšky. pre naliehavú odpoved ma kontaktujte e-mailom:
náš kredit a spracovanie je rýchle, získate pôžicku na svoj bankový úcet do 48 hodín.
je to legálna úverová spolocnost s požiadavkami na registráciu, ktoré sú k dispozícii na ponuku pôžicky
English translation
Good day,
I’m Laura Herbert, to borrow a loan. If your business is in this case a pandemic, financial problems, you do not have to worry about. We are ready to offer any financial assistant that you need. We have a low interest rate of 2% and the loan range from 20,000.00 euros to the desired height. for an urgent response please contact me by e-mail:
our credit and processing is fast, get a loan in your bank account within 48 hours.
It’s legal lending company registration requirements, which are available to offer loans
Why is this a loan scam?
- It was sent from a totally different email address to the one that you are asked to reply to.
- The email address used is a free Gmail address.
- The email was mass-mailed to many recipients using BCC.
- The email gives no indication of who is offering the loan, where they are based or who they are regulated by.