Loan Scam –
The below loan scam email was sent to an email address that exists only to catch scam emails. It has never been used to register on any site, only to communicate with scammers.
Email headers
Reply-To: From: LOAN OFFER URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED <> Subject: Hello, Do you Need A Business Or Contract Loan Grant ? If Yes And Interested Get Back Now To: undisclosed-recipients:; Bcc: [REDACTED]
Email body
We offer International Project Funding and Loans services for Private
and Overseas Companies, Including (Industrialists, Commercial
Businessmen and women , Companies and Individuals, Farmers &
Construction Companies/Oil & Gas) Tourism,Real Estate ,Churches , NGO,
Personal Loan for their Projects.?We offer low interest rate 1.5% annually & five (5) Years Grace Period
for Loan / Funding services if you are interested kindly get back so
that we can give you more details on our processing .Tell us about Your Projects or personal Loan Interest and We shall
Provide the required Loan Amount you will Need as Loan from us .Best Regards,
Mr Paul Smith Remittance Director
Director Resource Capital Funding Ltd
Head Office Address: 1400 16th Street Suite 200 Denver St,
Alaska ,AK 36955, United States.
P O Box : 80202
Why is this a loan scam?
- It was sent from a totally different email address to the one that you are asked to reply to.
- The email address used is a free Gmail address.
- The email was mass-mailed to many recipients using BCC.