Email Loan Scams

Loan Scammer – Bridge Cash Loans Ltd.

LOAN SCAM ALERT! This post gives information on the email address, which is being used by Advance Fee Fraud loan scammers.

Loan Scam –

The below loan scam email was sent to an email address that exists only to catch scam emails. It has never been used to register on any site, only to communicate with scammers.

Email headers

From: LEON Donovan <>
Subject: LOAN

Email body

To get a free Xmas loan From bridge cash loans , No Repayment ,No upfront payment,Kindly follow our face book fan page on Click Here and win up to R420,000. following
our face book page on and get your loan paid out
within 24 hours

Hurry Up while it last.Promo will last till this month ending.
bridge cash loans ltd.

Why is this a loan scam?

  1. The link included in the email is not to Facebook, but to a fake page set up to look like a Facebook login screen for phishing purposes.
  2. The email address used is a free Yahoo address.
  3. The email was mass-mailed to many recipients using BCC.
  4. The email gives no indication of where the company offering the loan are based or who they are regulated by.

Update: 6 hours after I reported the fake Facebook phishing website to the hosts, they have removed it. 

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