Czech Email Loan Scams

Loan Scammer – creditunion171

LOAN SCAM ALERT! This post gives information on the email address, which is being used by Advance Fee Fraud loan scammers.

Loan Scam –

The below loan scam email was sent to an email address that exists only to catch scam emails. It has never been used to register on any site, only to communicate with scammers.

Email headers

From: Creditor <>
Reply-To: Creditor <>
Subject: Požadovaná nabídka pujcky

Email body

Vítejte prátelé
Vedeli jste, že díky výhodnému úveru mužete zvýšit výhody svého podnikání a služeb? je registrovaná úverová spolecnost. nabízíme pomoc pri rozvoji vaší spolecnosti poskytnutím pujcky jakékoli cástky. verejnost. od jednotlivce ke spolupráci. naše pujcka má nízkou úrokovou sazbu.
Obchodní nabídka / investicní skupina se sídlem v USA a pobocky v nekterých evropských zemích. Poskytneme vám úvodní pujcku, kontaktujte nás na adrese
WhatsApp. 1 (619) 766-5996 F. 1 2504835969
A. 90 Park Avenue, NY 10016, Spojené státy americké
pro zpracování úveru. se na váš bankovní úcet dostane do trí pracovních dnu od vaší žádosti.
Váha paní Laury

English translation

Welcome friends
Did you know that with a good loan you can increase the benefits of your business and services? is a registered credit company. We offer assistance in developing your company by providing a loan of any amount. public. from individual to collaboration. Our loan has a low interest rate.
Trading offer / investment group based in the USA and branches in some European countries. We will give you an initial loan, please contact us at
WhatsApp. 1 (619) 766-5996 F. 1 2504835969
A. 90 Park Avenue, NY 10016, United States
for credit processing. will reach your bank account within three business days of your request.
The weight of Mrs. Laura

Why is this a loan scam?

  • It was sent from a totally different email address to the one that you are asked to reply to.
  • The email address used is a free Gmail address.
  • The email was mass-mailed to many recipients using BCC.
  • The email gives no indication of who is offering the loan or who they are regulated by.

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