Email German Loan Scams

Loan Scammer – Roger Russell

LOAN SCAM ALERT! This post gives information on the email address, which is being used by Advance Fee Fraud loan scammers.

Loan Scam –

The below loan scam email was sent to an email address that exists only to catch scam emails. It has never been used to register on any site, only to communicate with scammers.

Email headers

Subject: Hello
From: IT Help Desk <>

Email body


Do You need a Loan?. Have the Bank Refused to offer you a Loan??. The Universal Credit Firm is here to attend to your financial needs. Our company is registered and We offer Loans to individuals and companies in need of Loans. Your Email ([REDACTED]) has been selected to enjoy our 1.5 % loan rate discount offer for personal, business and investment loan purposes.

If you are a financial consultant with clients in need of loans or investment funding you can refer such clients to us and we will pay you a commission calculated on the total interest amount on the loan or on the investment.

For further information Please do not hesitate to contact our Regional Financial Officer Roger Russell via E-Mail.



Brauchen Sie einen Kredit?. Hat sich die Bank geweigert, Ihnen einen Kredit anzubieten? Die Universal Credit Firm ist hier, um sich um Ihre finanziellen Bedürfnisse zu kümmern. Unsere Firma ist registriert und wir bieten Kredite an Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen an, die Kredite benötigen. Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ([REDACTED]) wurde ausgewählt, um unser Angebot von 1,5% Kreditrabatt für persönliche, geschäftliche und Investitionskreditzwecke zu nutzen.

Wenn Sie ein Finanzberater mit Kunden sind, die Kredite oder Investitionsfinanzierungen benötigen, können Sie diese Kunden an uns verweisen. Wir zahlen Ihnen eine Provision, die sich aus dem Gesamtzinsbetrag des Kredits oder der Investition ergibt.

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail an unseren regionalen Finanzbeauftragten Roger Russell.

Why is this a loan scam?

  • It was sent from a totally different email address to the one that you are asked to reply to.
  • The email address used is a free Gmail address.
  • The email gives no indication of who is offering the loan, where they are based or who they are regulated by.

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