Loan Scam –
The below loan scam email was sent to an email address that exists only to catch scam emails. It has never been used to register on any site, only to communicate with scammers.
Email headers
Subject: Lening Aanbieding To: Recipients <> From: "Mrs. Angela White" <> Reply-To:
Email body
Goede dag,
Ik ben mevrouw Angela White, directeur van een Private Loan Company, CIT GROUP INC, en geef veilige en ongedekte leningen uit. We bieden leningen aan de behoeftigen tegen een laag tarief van 2% en zonder kredietcontrole bieden we persoonlijke lening,schuldconsolidatielening, risicokapitaal, zakelijke lening, onderwijslening, woningkrediet of lening om welke reden dan ook als u geïnteresseerd bent, neem dan contact op met ons direct voor een snelle reactie via voor meer info en geef ons deze info hieronder.
(1) Volledige naam:
(2) Bedrag nodig als lening:
(3) Telefoonnummer:
(4) Duur:
(5) Land:Hoogachtend,
Angela White
Consultant voor kredietaanvragen
English translation
Good day,
I am Ms. Angela White, Director of a Private Loan Company, CIT GROUP INC, and I issue secure and unsecured loans. We offer loans to the needy at a low rate of 2% and without credit check, we offer personal loan, debt consolidation loan, venture capital, business loan, education loan, home loan or loan for any reason if you are interested please contact us directly for quick response at for more info and give us this info below.
(1) Full name:
(2) Amount needed as loan:
(3) Telephone number:
(4) Duration:
(5) Country:Yours sincerely,
Angela White
Consultant for credit applications
Why is this a loan scam?
- It was sent from a totally different email address to the one that you are asked to reply to.
- The email address used is a free Hotmail address.
- The email was mass-mailed to many recipients using BCC.
- The email gives no indication of where the company offering the loan are based or who they are regulated by.