Loan Scam –
The below loan scam email was sent to an email address that exists only to catch scam emails. It has never been used to register on any site, only to communicate with scammers.
Email headers
Subject: ponuka financovania investícií To: [REDACTED] From: "rýchle ponuky<>" Reply-To:
Email body
požiciavacej práce
dobrý den
AUTH FINANCIE je financná spolocnost, ktorá sa špecializuje na poskytovanie; Hypotéky, osobné pozicky, investicnej pozicky, pozicky na konsolidáciu dlhu, pozicky na autá, pozicky na dovolenku, školské pozicky, komercné pozicky, pozicky na vybavenie, núdzové / nepredvídatel’né výdavky a projektové pozicky. Naša ponuka pôžiciek sa pohybuje od 50 000,00 € (Min) do 500 000 000,00 € (Max) s nízkou úrokovou sadzbou 2%. V prípade záujmu nás prosím kontaktujte nižšie:
Výška úveru:
Dlžka pozicky:
Úvery Úcel:
Vdaka našim rýchlym pôžickám poskytuje AUTH FINANCE pozicky, ktoré sú jednoduché, pohodlné a lacné. Táto ponuka je oficiálne a legálne
Translation to English
the hire of work
Good day
AUTH Finance is a finance company that specializes in providing; Mortgages, personal loans, investment loans loans for debt consolidation, car loans, loans for holidays, school loan, commercial loans, loans for equipment, emergency / unpredictable expenses and project loans. We offer loans ranging from € 50 000.00 (Min) 500 000 000,00 € (Max) with a low interest rate of 2%. If interested, please contact us below:
Loan amount:
Length Bonds:
Loans Purpose:
With our fast loans AUTH provides financial loans that are simple, convenient and inexpensive. This offer is officially and legally
Why is this a loan scam?
- It was sent from a totally different email address to the one that you are asked to reply to.
- The email address used is a free Gmail address.
- The email gives no indication of where the company offering the loan are based or who they are regulated by.
- The ridiculous upper amount of loan being offered.