Czech Email Loan Scams

Loan Scammer – Nicolas Wissler

Loan Scam –

The below loan scam email was sent to an email address that exists only to catch scam emails. It has never been used to register on any site, only to communicate with scammers.

Email headers

From: credit union <>
Subject: získat půjčku
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Email body

Kontaktuji vás z webové platformy Ben finance. nabízíme nízkou
úvěrovou a rychlejší nabídku půjčky. naše úroková sazba úvěru je 2%.
poskytujeme důstojnické půjčky, jako je osobní půjčka, smluvní půjčka,
bankovní půjčka na podnikatelský úvěr a další. nezdržujeme doručení
úvěrových prostředků na účet žádného žadatele. výše půjčky se pohybuje
od 10 000 EUR a výše. Chcete-li požádat o naléhavou půjčku, poskytněte
mi prosím následující podrobnosti.
tvé jméno :
vaše kontaktní adresa:
výše vaší půjčky:
s těmito předloženými údaji vám bude do 3 až 4 pracovních dnů
zpracována částka půjčky, kterou potřebujete, a zaslána na váš
bankovní účet.
s úctou,
Nicolas Wissler

English translation

I contact you from the Ben finance web platform. we offer low
credit and faster loan offer. Our loan interest rate is 2%.
we provide officer loans, such as personal loan, contract loan,
bank loan for business loan and more. we do not delay delivery
credit funds on behalf of no applicant. the loan amount varies
from EUR 10 000 and up. To apply for an urgent loan, provide
please give me the following details.
your name :
your contact address:
amount of your loan:
with this submitted data you will be within 3 to 4 business days
processed the amount of loan you need and sent to your
Bank account.
with respect,
Nicolas Wissler

Why is this a loan scam?

  • It was sent from a totally different email address to the one that you are asked to reply to.
  • The email address used is a free AOL address.
  • The email was mass-mailed to many recipients using BCC.
  • The email gives no indication of who is offering the loan, where they are based or who they are regulated by.
Email Loan Scams

Loan Scammer – Mr. Pinckney

Loan Scam –

The below loan scam email was sent to an email address that exists only to catch scam emails. It has never been used to register on any site, only to communicate with scammers.

Email headers

From: "pôžička" <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Subject: pôžička

Email body

Moje meno je pán Pinckney váži. Som podnikateľ a finančný analytik. od začiatku pandémie pomáham organizáciám podnikateľov, právnickým osobám a jednotlivcom prostredníctvom môjho systému požičiavania finančných pôžičiek. Zistil som, že banky boli sprístupnené peniaze na mikropôžičku na pomoc ľuďom. ale banka radšej dá tieto peniaze veľkým spoločnostiam a vytvorí väčší zisk, zatiaľ čo malé spoločnosti utrpia stratu a nedostatok. Po pochopení tejto skutočnosti som prišiel so svojou pôžičkovou schémou. prostredníctvom tohto systému požičiavania pôžičiek malo veľký prínos mnoho spoločností a jednotlivcov. Ak potrebujete pôžičku, kontaktujte ma prostredníctvom môjho e-mailu alebo sa so mnou porozprávajte na Whatsapp: +1(647)560-6932. Môžete tiež navštíviť stránku a požiadať o pôžičku. pôžička má úrok 2% a veľmi vhodný splátkový systém. ak máte túto pôžičku, je to nulové percento rizika. kontaktujte ma pre viac informácií o tom, ako to funguje. pôžička dorazí na váš bankový účet do troch pracovných dní od jej večere rýchlo sa nemusíte obávať.
S úctou,
Vážte si pána Pinckneyho.

English translation

My name is Mr. Pinckney. I am an entrepreneur and a financial analyst. since the beginning of the pandemic, I have been helping business organizations, legal entities and individuals through my financial lending system. I found out that banks had made money available for microloans to help people. but the bank prefers to give this money to large companies and make more profit, while small companies suffer losses and shortages. After understanding this, I came up with my loan scheme. Many companies and individuals have benefited greatly from this lending system. If you need a loan, contact me via my email or talk to me at Whatsapp: +1(647)560-6932. You can also visit and apply for a loan. the loan has an interest rate of 2% and a very suitable repayment system. If you have this loan, it’s a zero percent risk. contact me for more information on how it works. the loan will arrive in your bank account within three business days of its dinner you do not have to worry about quickly.
Yours sincerely,
Respect Mr. Pinckney.

WhoIs details for

Creation Date: 2021-06-04T10:56:58Z
Expiration Date: 2022-06-04T10:56:58Z

Registrant Name: Ste Ros
Registrant Organization: Ste Ros
Registrant Street: 10, wisteria lane fairview
Registrant City: Fairview
Registrant State/Province: California
Registrant Postal Code: 10101
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.5064052086
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax: +1.5064052086
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:

Why is this a loan scam?

  • It was sent from a totally different email address to the one that you are asked to reply to.
  • The email address used is a free AOL address.
  • The email was mass-mailed to many recipients using BCC.
  • The email gives no indication of who is offering the loan, where they are based or who they are regulated by.
  • The domain quoted in the email was registered only a week ago by someone using a fake name.
Email Loan Scams Slovak

Loan Scammer – Auth Finance

Loan Scam –

The below loan scam email was sent to an email address that exists only to catch scam emails. It has never been used to register on any site, only to communicate with scammers.

Email headers

Subject: ponuka financovania investícií
From: "rýchle ponuky<>"

Email body

požiciavacej práce
dobrý den
AUTH FINANCIE je financná spolocnost, ktorá sa špecializuje na poskytovanie; Hypotéky, osobné pozicky, investicnej pozicky, pozicky na konsolidáciu dlhu, pozicky na autá, pozicky na dovolenku, školské pozicky, komercné pozicky, pozicky na vybavenie, núdzové / nepredvídatel’né výdavky a projektové pozicky. Naša ponuka pôžiciek sa pohybuje od 50 000,00 € (Min) do 500 000 000,00 € (Max) s nízkou úrokovou sadzbou 2%. V prípade záujmu nás prosím kontaktujte nižšie:
Výška úveru:
Dlžka pozicky:
Úvery Úcel:
Vdaka našim rýchlym pôžickám poskytuje AUTH FINANCE pozicky, ktoré sú jednoduché, pohodlné a lacné. Táto ponuka je oficiálne a legálne

Translation to English

the hire of work
Good day
AUTH Finance is a finance company that specializes in providing; Mortgages, personal loans, investment loans loans for debt consolidation, car loans, loans for holidays, school loan, commercial loans, loans for equipment, emergency / unpredictable expenses and project loans. We offer loans ranging from € 50 000.00 (Min) 500 000 000,00 € (Max) with a low interest rate of 2%. If interested, please contact us below:
Loan amount:
Length Bonds:
Loans Purpose:
With our fast loans AUTH provides financial loans that are simple, convenient and inexpensive. This offer is officially and legally

Why is this a loan scam?

  • It was sent from a totally different email address to the one that you are asked to reply to.
  • The email address used is a free Gmail address.
  • The email gives no indication of where the company offering the loan are based or who they are regulated by.
  • The ridiculous upper amount of loan being offered.